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ihuv Corporation

Connecting various “i” to create new values to make the world (universe) in a better place for human with full of smiles

Welcome to ihuv corporation. With over 20 years of experience in the ICT market, we are committed to further developing your business by providing the latest technology discernment, business development, go-to-market strategy, channel strategy and sales support. With a wealth of expertise, our professionals will partner with you to quickly provide you with tailored, practical solutions. Since 2015, when I started my business as a sole proprietor, I have supported clients as a country manager and consultant for US startups. You can count on us to provide the best support for your business.


The results are proof of success

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Marketing Strategies

We can take your business to the next level by fully leveraging our extensive knowledge in the ICT industry for over 20 years. At ihuv Corporation, we can combine our skills and expertise to provide you with processes and strategies to transform your company marketing.

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​Japan Entry

We provide market research, prospecting support, and go-to-market strategy development for overseas start-ups before they open a Japanese subsidiary. We also offer assistance with the establishment of a Japanese company. Please contact us for more information on how we can assist you with your business in Japan.


Business Developments

Developing a channel partner strategy. We offer assistance in matching partners and formulating a channel partner program. We can also help you select your target customers, develop a strategy for approaching them, and provide high-touch sales support to your prospect customers.

ホーム: サービス
Business Meeting

About us

ihuv Corporatoin


ihuv Corporation creates new value by connecting many "i"  Individual, information and innovation, etc., to create a world full of smiles. We were founded in April 2019 with the goal of changing things and becoming the most creative and innovative top class consulting firm in Tsukiji. We tackle our clients' problems from an unprecedented perspective and offer strategies and operational support tailored to our clients' situation.


We have continued to grow since our founding, but the things that are important to us have not changed. Let us help you make your dreams come true. Let us help you pave the way to your business success. If you would like to know more, please feel free to contact us for more information.

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Corporate Overview

Name:        ihuv Corporation
Address:        3-7-1, Tsukiji Chuoku Tokyo, 104-0045 Japan

CEO:          Hiroshi Yamamoto

Founded:            April 2019

Capital:      1,000,000 yen (as of April 2020)

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Modern City


  • October 2015
    Started various support services and consulting support business for domestic and foreign companies as a sole proprietor, and was commissioned to start up a Japanese subsidiary of a U.S. start-up company, operate it as a country manager and provide various support services. 

  • Nov. 2018
    Contracted to provide business development and business due diligence services for a venture capital firm.

  • January 2019
    Began considering incorporating the company into a joint stock company in order to acquire more clients and expand business.

  • April 2019
    Registered and established ihuv corporation.

  • April 2019
    Contracted to provide GTM strategy, partner strategy development and business matching services for a service provider's new security business.

  • Jun 2020
    Contracted to provide local project and business development for a U.S. start-up.

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Business Outline

  1. Support for corporate strategy planning, corporate innovation, corporate information systems, and mergers and acquisitions

  2.  Marketing research and management information research, collection and provision

  3. Planning, research, development, design, manufacturing, sales, maintenance, leasing, renting, importing and exporting of computer software and hardware, as well as consulting services related to these.

  4. Various information provision and collection services using the Internet and other communication networks and electronic technologies

  5. Outsourcing business contracting and contracting services

  6. Fee-based job placement business

  7. Buying, selling, renting, managing, brokering, holding and operating real estate

  8. All businesses incidental to the above

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ホーム: チーム

Hiroshi Yamamoto

CEO and Cheif Consultant


Chief Consultant Hiroshi Yamamoto has an instinct for business success and brings over 20 years of experience in the ICT industry to bear on your success.

Previous Experience :

- 3+ years as a Country Manager in the US where he was involved in setting up and supporting a Japanese subsidiary of a US start-up company

- Engaged in business development, product planning and marketing for 10 years +.

- Identification and business development of more than 10 overseas start-up vendors

- Helping develop strategies


Specialized Technological Area:
General IT infrastructure: cloud, network, servers, storage, security, operations monitoring, 
XaaS(SaaS, PaaS, IaaS,) IoT, AI, Mobility related Technologies


The customer working with

Client 1

US base Startup Company

Establishing Japan Entity

Country Manager of Japan and Korea

Client 6

US base Venture  Capital

Business Development Role for Oversea Startup

Business Due diligence in Japan

Client 4

Japanese Enterprise Service Company

Developing GTM, Channel Partner Strategy for New Security Businesses
Business matching services

ホーム: お客様
Talking Business

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